Holiday Camps
Your booking is COVID-19 FINANCIALLY RISK-FREE! If we were to cancel your child’s camp due to COVID-19, we will provide a credit note on your account to use towards a future booking. If your child has to self-isolate, you will also be given a credit note.
Camp FAQ's
If a child develops COVID-19 symptoms at camp, they will be taken to an isolation area, and their parent/guardian will be contacted. The child will remain in the isolation area until their parent or guardian can collect them.
Upon collection, the parent/guardian will be asked that the child has a test as soon as possible and that we are informed of the results.
Once the child has left camp, all areas where they’ve been and the resources they’ve touched will be fully cleaned and disinfected.
If we have news of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at camp, we’ll immediately contact the DfE and apply the specific advice given.
If a child or a member of our team tests positive during our camp, every other child/parent and team member will be informed and should then take a lateral flow test everyday before attending.
If your child needs to self-isolate and is unable to attend camp, any sessions that have been paid for will be credited to your account. No direct cash refunds will be given but the credit on your account can be used towards a future booking and has no expiry date.
In the event of our camp being unable to open, any sessions that have been paid for will be credited to your account. No direct cash refunds will be given but the credit on your account can be used towards a future booking and has no expiry date.
- One parent drop off/collection policy
- No parents/carers will enter the school premises.
- Parents/carers must wear a face covering when dropping off or collecting their child (unless exempt for medical reasons).
- Our staff will remain with the same group of children for the week where possible.
- Every child must sanitise their hands on arrival and exit using the hand gel provided.
- We have introduced greatly enhanced daily cleaning routines, including regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces.
- We will be ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.
- Where possible, sessions will be done outside and indoor spaces will be well ventilated using natural ventilation (opening windows) or ventilation units.
- Minimising contact and mixing by altering, as much as possible, the environment (such as layout) and timetables (such as allowing for sufficient changeover time to clean the area between different classes or groups of children and ensuring areas do not become overcrowded).
- Children and staff will be advised to converse quietly as the chance of spread can increase when singing, chanting, shouting or conversing loudly.
As of Summer 2021, all of our activities will be operating as normal. We will, however, still be maintaining an enhanced cleaning routine and ensuring all equipment is sanitised regularly.
Please do not bring your child to camp if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, the main things to look out for are:
- High temperature – this means they feel hot to touch on their chest or back
- New or continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if they usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- Loss or change to a sense of smell or taste – this means they’ve noticed they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
Additional guidance for parents can be found here: